Caught On Camera: Man Wrestles 10ft Alligator
00:06MAN: This is the biggest gator we have evercaught. 00:08COMM: Most people wouldn’t voluntarily getthis close to an alligator but this is JasonMcDonalds view every weekend and whether heis catching them by hand or by rope he hasto keep his wits about him. 00:36COMM: 34 year old Jason from Colorado hasbeen catching alligators for 10 years andvolunteers at weekends teaching gator wrestlingclasses, the classes are both entertainingand educational for the crowds and catchingthe gators give Jason the chance to checkthem for injury. 00:57JASON: See look see where she’s had the ropeand it bit her eye lid. 01:05COMM: Having checked the smaller gators itstime for a regular check up on 10ft long Bertha. Bertha is one of the original alligators boughtto the farm from Florida as a baby in 1987. 01:18JASON: This is the biggest gator we have evercaught. 01:22COMM: Most female alligators don’t grow muchbigger than 8ft but Bertha has become so bigbecause of the exceptionally warm water causedby GO thermal wells and the abundance supplyof fish to eat. 01:35COMM: With the help of some brave volunteersJason manages to pull Bertha onto the bankand opens her mouth showing the spectatorsher loose tooth. 01:56COMM: Finally its time for a photo opportunityas Jason puts the gators jaw under his chin. 02:12COMM: Jason regains his grip, it might havelooked like a close call but its all in adays work at the gator farm.